Don't Allow a "Reality Check" to Stop You From Stepping Into Your Purpose

Don't Allow a "Reality Check" to Stop You From Stepping Into Your Purpose

Update: 2024-05-06


"Having a dream is not selfish, but rather a reflection of the unique gifts and talents bestowed upon us by God." ~Tami Imlay


Hey Hey! I have a great episode for you today! We are talking about when “reality checks” are not rooted in the right reality. I explore the concept of reality checks that often hinder individuals from pursuing their dreams and purpose. I want to emphasize that having a dream is not selfish but rather a reflection of the unique gifts and talents bestowed upon us by God. By following these dreams, not only do we find personal fulfillment, but we also have the opportunity to positively impact and serve others. The episode highlights the importance of silencing external noise and distractions in order to hear God's voice and guidance clearly. I want to caution against common pitfalls such as the constant need for more information, imposter syndrome, and the fear of not measuring up to societal standards. They also acknowledge the challenges of facing skepticism and lack of support from others and instead, find counsel from those grounded in spiritual truth. This episode encourages proactive steps towards uncovering and living out one's purpose, emphasizing the significance of embracing discomfort and taking leaps of faith into the unknown. Ultimately, the core message underscores the importance of aligning with God's plan and purpose, as it leads to personal fulfillment and the ability to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Ready to take action? 

  1. Sign up for your FREE ticket to my workshop!

  2. Block off time on your calendar to attend the workshop!

  3. Show up live for the workshop and see what taking action and living your purpose can look like! 

Key Takeaways:

  1. Having a dream is not selfish, but rather a reflection of the unique gifts and talents bestowed upon us by God.

  2. Pursuing our dreams brings personal fulfillment and enables us to positively impact and serve others.

  3. It is important to silence external noise and distractions in order to hear God's voice and guidance clearly.

  4. Common pitfalls include the constant need for more information, imposter syndrome, and the fear of not measuring up to societal standards.

  5. Seek counsel from those grounded in spiritual truth when facing skepticism and lack of support from others.

  6. Taking proactive steps towards uncovering and living out one's purpose has a ripple effect beyond imagination.

  7. Embrace discomfort and take leaps of faith into the unknown to discover and embrace one's purpose.

  8. Aligning with God's plan and purpose leads to personal fulfillment and the ability to make a meaningful impact in the world.


Journal Question: 

What steps can you take to silence the external noise and distractions in order to hear God's voice and guidance clearly?



Want to make a change? Want to pivot? Connect with Tami today!

Introductory Strategic Assessment (ISA)

Ready to start your year off on an intentional foot? Want to experience the power of coaching without having to go all in? This Introductory Strategic Assessment is for you!!! Click this link to find out more and get started! 

Personalized Next Step Call

READY TO figure out YOUR next step? Ready to stop trying to go it alone and realize that we really aren't meant to do it by ourselves?  Click here and get on my calendar! Let's talk about what is possible for YOU!   Let's discover YOUR PERSONALIZED NEXT STEP! 

I challenge you to look at this new year with new eyes and take power in your words, your decisions, AND your actions! 

Here is to an amazing 2024 🥂 let's rock this year! Who's with me??

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"Hey Tami" Questions

Have a question- any question! Let's have fun with this! Submit your question here! 


Want to know what center your decisions are primarily made in? Want to know what your default center is? Check out this quiz! 5 questions (and a bonus) and you'll have a starting point! Plus I give you a resource I use to help me understand my reactions/decisions better!  Click here! 


BIG Changes are happening at Tami Marie Coaching!!! 

Please be patient with me as I roll out these changes. If there are any broken links- I am so sorry- know that I am working on them. Feel free to send me a DM on IG about it because it does help me find them 😆 when you point them out! 

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FB and IG @tamimariecoaching


Want to DISCOVER YOU? Get these 5 Secrets and begin the journey right now!  Here's the link :

Connect with Tami 

Make 2023 your year! Heck, today is the day things change!  Do not let another moment go by, feeling like you are stuck, overwhelmed, and anxious. Send me a DM and simply say "unstuck," and let's talk!  If you really want to get moving- get on zoom with me! My gift to you is 20 mins to see what is possible! 20 mins will be all it takes to see what is possible and get a next step!  Try it! 


READY TO figure out YOUR next step? Ready to stop trying to go it alone and realize that we really aren't meant to do it by ourselves?  Click here and get on my calendar! Let's talk about what is possible for YOU!   Let's discover YOUR PERSONALIZED NEXT STEP! 

Schedule your call here:

I can't WAIT to talk with you!


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Are you ready (or not) to find out what's possible? Are you feeling that urge that where you are is not where you want to be? Do you feel like you want to change but can't figure out how, what, or when? Do you want more out of life? Or are you at the point where I was- you were just tired of listening to your excuses? You are to alone in this! I was too! Reach out to me!  I have opened a few more 1:1 coaching spots up-- one of them is waiting for you!  Click this link to schedule your complimentary discovery call and see what the possibilities could look like. 

Let's Go Deeper!!! Click Here!



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For more information on the song:

Guitalele's Happy Place by Stefan Kartenberg (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Kara Square (mindmapthat)

Copyright Daily Choosing Joy LLC 2024


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Don't Allow a "Reality Check" to Stop You From Stepping Into Your Purpose

Don't Allow a "Reality Check" to Stop You From Stepping Into Your Purpose

Tami Marie Imlay- Purpose Coach, International Speaker, Joy- Cultivator, Change Maker